Tick...tick...tick. The Government Shutdown LOOMS! SO SHUT IT DOWN!

I have been reading and ranting about this "Government Shutdown" all day (ya know cuz it's Friday and NAB is this weekend and I'm ALREADY in Vegas).

I've been making this comment all day and the positve feed back It' NOT about money or jobs or abortion or budget.

The REAL problem here, and the dangerous thing; the thing we should all be scared of is that We The People are missing the bigger picture in what they're talking about.

This shut down is NOT about money or jobs or abortion or budget. That's all coded language.

This fight is about POWER; who is gonna get it and what they're gonna do with it.

The GOP has HAD IT and is tired of "science" and "technology" and "progress" and liberal way of thinking (e.g. that everybody is equal and there is room for compromise, etc) because in their greedy and twisted minds that train of thought ONLY works for the poor and down trodden and the old and those that can't help themselves, or in GOP speak those are the lazy drug addicted welfare mothers smoking crack and the Jose Jimenez the illegal immigrant who is stealing the McDonalds and strawberry picking jobs...but I digress.

This is about the GOP and Tea Party and the people who line up with them shoving down the throats of the American people a regressive ideology that seeks to permanently divide the country in to upper and lower classes, with the former in control of the later.

Look at what they're targeting - education, privacy, the internet, banking and finance, labor and commerce and unions, communications, public information, healthcare, etc. All the building blocks you need to keep one 'class' of people stupid and poor enough so that they'll BEG for jobs that pay $5 a bushel of strawberry picked or a job that pays a ridiculously impossible to live on minimum wage.

Reduce people's access to ways to better themselves and you build a class of semi-slave labor.

Anybody's father or mother a Teamster? Ask THEM what they think of all this.

Education has already been stripped to basic math and reading (and is failing at that). There is no critical thinking or ethics being taught any more, so the 'general public' isn't able to recognize the historical significance of what is happening right now to our country, in the context of the great societies and governments that have fallen before us.

The conservative mind lives in an Ozzie and Harriet fantasy and they can NOT deal with the fact that those days are over.

They can not deal with that fact that this is a complex and ever and rapidly changing modern world we live in and that their myopic and under educated minds can NOT figure out how to deal with that change...and that is NOT not my fault or your fault.

I refuse to let the guys who MADE them myopic and under educated to take over the rest of the country and turn this in to a Feudal State run by an aristocracy of 'connected' interbred douchebags...pardon my French.

I lived in a Third World Country where the public peace was kept by military police and people were afraid to speak their minds for fear of being disappeared.

I have STAYED educated and informed.

I have STAYED abreast of who the world was changing and leaned how to rock and/or roll with it

I have STAYED open minded and didn't let my fear of change or the fear that the political right was trying to feed me pull me off the track of logical thought.

…and I have been ostracized for my efforts.

When did being smart and engaged make one the freak of society?

When did that happen and why are you and I the only guy's that are OUTRAGED at what's going on?

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