"Dishonest and reprehensible" and "corrupt and shameless" Dick Cheney to Headline DeLay Fundraiser

Vice President Dick Cheney is out there now throwing words around like "Dishonest and reprehensible" and "corrupt and shameless" in such a condescending tone (cuz ya know he wants to cus and kick something right now) at anyReprehensible one who dares suggest that President Bush or anyone else in the administration had exaggerated or twisted pre-war intelligence to build the case for invading Iraq is now, with no shame, attending a campaign fundraiser for embattled Rep. Tom DeLay as the headliner.

EXPLAINER: Tom DeLay is the Texas Republican Congressman who was indicted earlier this year on campaign finance-related charges, an action that forced him to step down at least temporarily as House majority leader.

This from the same Dick Cheney who said once, “"When I was Secretary of Defense, my biggest problem was with the Congress of the United States”. How quickly we're delirious with power and fotune and the bucks are rolling in for me and my friend eh, Dickie boy?

Gather round children and let's just see The Veep means by the words "Dishonest and reprehensible" and "corrupt and shameless". Let's look at his career:

Cheney's rule as the CEO of Halliburton was characterized by a ruthless geopolitical strategy that put aside political beliefs whenever they were inconvenient. In a number of cases, Halliburton and its subsidiaries supported or even ordered human rights violations and broke international laws.
Libyan dictator and suspected anti-U.S. terrorist Moammar Gadhafi engaged a foreign subsidiary of Halliburton company Brown & Root to perform millions of dollars worth of work. According to the Baltimore Sun, Brown & Root was fined $3.8 million for violating Libyan sanctions. (Although, fair to say, Cheney was not leading Halliburton at the time that the those sales were started, however, subsidiaries' sales to Libya continued throughout his tenure, unabated.)

Cheney has also claimed that he supported the U.S. sanctions on Iraq. However, through foreign subsidiaries and affiliates, Halliburton became the biggest (as in there ain’t none bigger) oil contractor for Iraq, selling more than $73 million in goods and services to Saddam Hussein's regime. (See
http://gwbush.com/spots/postpage.html for a Washington Post article on the matter.)

Other Halliburton Highlights include such hits as:

  • Cheney's 2000 income from Halliburton: $36,086,635 • Increase in government contracts to Halliburton under Cheney leadership by 91%
  • The SMALLEST (as in there ain’t none smaller) size "accounting irregularity" that occurred while Cheney was CEO: $100,000,000 (spelled out – if all those zeros are making you dizzy - One hundred MILLION dollars).
  • Number of "State Sponsors of Terror" out of the seven, per the official US list, that Halliburton contracted with: 2 out of 7
  • Pages of Energy Plan documents Cheney refused to give congressional investigators: 13,500
  • Presidential campaign contributions that energy companies gave to the Bush/Cheney: $1,800,000 (UPDATE: Believe it or not, Halliburton is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for Enron-style accounting practices that took place while Cheney was CEO. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/30/business/30HALL.html

So I guess it’s true; birds of feather DO flock together.

OK, which one of you guys thought it was OK to elect a ticket whose #2 guy was OBVIOSULY going to benefit by having ‘their man’ on the inside track?

Let me bore you with a little more EXPLAINER and let’s look at the definitions of the words "Dishonest and reprehensible", "corrupt and shameless."

  • Dishonest : Pronunciation: (")di-'sä-n&st also -'zä- Function: adjectiveEtymology: Middle English, from Middle French deshoneste, from des- dis- + honeste honest1 obsolete : SHAMEFUL, UNCHASTE 2 : characterized by lack of truth, honesty, or trustworthiness : UNFAIR, DECEPTIVE - dis·hon·est·ly adverbsynonyms DISHONEST, DECEITFUL, MENDACIOUS, UNTRUTHFUL
  • Reprehensible: Pronunciation: "re-pri-'hen(t)-s&-b&lFunction: adjective : worthy of or deserving reprehension 1 : worthy of or deserving judgment involving condemnation2 archaic : worthy of or deserving OPINION, JUDGMENT3 : worthy of or deserving blame or stern condemnation4 : worthy of or deserving an official reprimand
  • Corrupt: Pronunciation: k&-'r&ptFunction: verb Etymology: Middle English, from Latin corruptus, past participle of corrumpere, from com- + rumpere to break -- more at REAVE transitive senses1 a : to change from good to bad in morals, manners, or actions; also : BRIBE b : to degrade with unsound principles or moral values2 : ROT, SPOIL3 : to subject (a person) to corruption of blood4 : to alter from the original or correct form or version intransitive senses5 a : to become tainted or rotten b : to become morally debased6 : to cause disintegration or ruin
  • Shameless: Pronunciation: 'shAm-l&sFunction: adjective1 : having no shame : insensible to disgrace2 : showing lack of shame : DISGRACEFUL

Becareful, Señor Dick. Make your words soft and sweet as they may be the ones, someday you'll eat....and no one wants to eat...well...you know....

As always, my friends (and apparently I have more than I knew - thanks again for readiing folks)…
ranting with out action is treason to the truth. I have done all the hard work for you, all yoou need to do is act.

Please join me in SPAMMING the following people.

Send a letter to your local and national newspaper editors, news producers and news desks and ask them WHY you had to read this on a blog? A very well researched, factual and articulate blog, but a blog just the same.

This is SPAM appropriate friends. Send it to your entire address book. Begin and end each broadcast with Justice O’Connor’s words "a state of war is not a blank check for the president when it comes to the rights of the nation's citizens."
  • To contact your elected representatives:
  • League of Women Voters Media email database: Http://www.capwiz.com/lwv/dbq/media
  • TV news addresses: http://digbig.com/4bqmq
  • Addresses for major U.S. daily publications/wire services/weekly publications: http://digbig.com/4cqge
  • Major publication addresses by state: http://digbig.com/4bwxw
  • P.S. Kudos to the www.MoveOn.org website for the heads up on this information. I did double check it against other sources, but it was their site that lead me to it. Thanks guys!

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