When was the last time you heard any good news?

Ladies and Gentlemen –

After the scandalous news for the GOP of the past few weeks and Governor Dean’s wishy washy showing on the Sunday shows lately, it has become apparent that “we the people, in order to” re take our imperfect union and continue it on path where the nation and society can be judged by how well the least in our society is realizing their own American Dream, we MUST, quickly and immediately, get and stay on a message that resounds through out the nation.

If the Democratic Party and its members are the lesser of two evils compared to the outright 3 ring circus that is currently the Bush administration, we have a “clarity of message” problem my friends.

These are days when the Mr. Bush, right before going into his “terrorist boogieman” “evil people” speech has the unmitigated nerve to stand up in front of a crowd of people and actually talk about Rosa Parks as if she had something to do with anything that changed anything in his or his collective family’s life. This from a President who thinks that the Patriot Act is actually in anyway patriotic.

Let’s start simple, shall we…how about something like…

When was the last time you heard any good news?

That’s simple and to the point and leaves the conversation open to start talking about a time when gas near or under $2 a gallon; when the economy was not only growing, but allowing opportunity for ALL Americans to buy to the prosperity; when you weren’t afraid of what might be lurking in the shadows or the color of the nation security threat level. Days when we hoped to see the light and not just the end of a seemingly endless quagmire of a nightmare. Days when we talked about healthcare and top shelf education for all. Days when we found ways to help people from being welfare dependant to self reliant, which in the end gave them a sense of purpose and being, which we all need, rich, poor, white, black, red, yellow or polka-dotted.

When was the last time you thought that there was promise in tomorrow? Hope for the future?

These are the questions wee need to be asking ourselves and the people around us. This is the message we need to drive home if we hope to go back to the days when the welfare roles were being lightened by progressive programs that helped people find their better day.

When was the last time you heard any good news?

When their was a national surplus and not a runaway national debt.

When you little worried what minor civil liberty was next going to be chipped away from your shrinking list rights and freedoms.

When our leaders asked for our participation and help in moving in a direction and not told that we “just gotta understand” this or that.

When was the last time you heard any good news?

Now is also the time for us to write our local Democratic leaders and tell them to put on pads and a helmet and get in to the game. Now is the time to huddle, call the plays and put points on the board. Now is the time to publicly stand together and detail out a stand, for better of worse, what we as Democrats believe and plan on doing once back to steering the ship of state towards an inclusive brighter day for all.

We just can’t be for whatever the Republicans are against. We have to be for SOMETHING. A standard. A belief. An ideal. Things people can look at and say, “Hey, that’s me! I think that way.”

So clear your mind and sincerely ask yourself, when was the last time you heard any good news?

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