
Showing posts from October, 2005

Bush sets short list for court - Sources name 2 conservative appeals judges

In the immortal words of Ronnie Ray-Gun, “Mr. Bush, there you go again.” I can't believe I saw this Chicago Tribune headline: Bush sets short list for court Sources name 2 conservative appeals judges Published October 30, 2005 - Chicago Tribune Washington Bureau,1,2576545.story?coll=chi-news-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true Hoping to use the smoke from the own prairie fire of bad news for his administration lately, Mr Bush holds fast to the ‘holier than thou/superior’ posture of the Republican party and has released a short list of Super Conservatives as potential next picks for the Supreme Court. Mr Bush is expected to announce today or Monday, that he has narrowed the focus to Judges Samuel Alito of New Jersey and J. Michael Luttig of Virginia. But don't rule out Priscilla Owens. Mr Bush hasn;t met a judicila appointment he didn;t like her for, and doesn't know the meaning of the word, DENIED! Let’s examin...

When was the last time you heard any good news?

Ladies and Gentlemen – After the scandalous news for the GOP of the past few weeks and Governor Dean’s wishy washy showing on the Sunday shows lately, it has become apparent that “we the people, in order to” re take our imperfect union and continue it on path where the nation and society can be judged by how well the least in our society is realizing their own American Dream, we MUST, quickly and immediately, get and stay on a message that resounds through out the nation. If the Democratic Party and its members are the lesser of two evils compared to the outright 3 ring circus that is currently the Bush administration, we have a “clarity of message” problem my friends. These are days when the Mr. Bush, right before going into his “terrorist boogieman” “evil people” speech has the unmitigated nerve to stand up in front of a crowd of people and actually talk about Rosa Parks as if she had something to do with anything that changed anything in his or his collective family’s life. This ...