OK something for real then...Politics, Money and TV

In American democracy, speech is free but communicating is gonna cost ya! – especially if you’re trying to run for office. This is the #1 reason we have the “leaders” we have. As the cost of getting elected keeps up with the cost of gas, the candidates we end up with are the wealthy and well-financed and they don’t give voters a choice at all. The typical winner outspends the typical loser by nearly three to one during the campaign. 98.5 percent of all incumbents seeking reelection were successful (i.e.: If you can’t write a big check to your local television station to pay for a nightly salvo of punch-ads, you’ll still have your freedom of speech, you just won’t be heard or elected).

Elections are supposed to be about when the “OUT’S” clash with the “IN’S” over bettering society, and letting US decide which is best, if either, allowing us to grow as a society. Elections should allow for disagreements to be aired, fresh starts to be kicked off, and/or the “devil we know” to be re-affirmed. Elections build mandates and provide accountability to those who “promise” X, Y, Z changes on A, B, C issues. Elections transform the population into a citizenry and the citizenry into the sovereign.

When we let money become the ruling authority over who gets heard and elected, we are short changing ourselves out of a contest of ideas and range of choices that are SUPPOSED to be what elections are all about. WORSE: After the election, the public gets stuck with officials who are more in debt to their financial contributors and not their constituents. Ask now, why there is such cynicism driving people away from their responsibility to vote, starting the vicious circle of politicians thinking they need to communicate MORE on mass, pushing the cost of communicating to them even higher (and supply and demand kicks in) over and over the vicious cycle churns.

Free air time on television, as is done in virtually all of the world’s other democracies, it THE ONLY WAY to reconcile and create a fair system. Two separate mandates should be imposed on the broadcast industry in developing a free air time system (and by the way, the people, via the FCC own the air waves). First, it should be required that television and radio stations to devote a reasonable amount of air time during the campaign season to issue-based candidate forums (debates, interviews, town hall meetings, etc). Second, it should be required of stations to provide qualifying candidates and parties with vouchers to run a reasonable number of free ads in the period before an election.

Free air time is not a silver bullet, by any means. It will not drive money out of politics altogether, but it will provide communication opportunities to ALL candidates regardless of their financial circumstances. It WILL would open up the political process to many talented, visionary, people, that WE NEED to run, but who are currently priced out of the market. That, at LEAST, will allow for a free-ER exchange of ideas among competing candidates and reduce the relative importance of deep pocket groups with ancillary objectives and interests. More information = More choice = More power.

It’s our fault. We allowed the process to govern itself and restrict our access to the political process. Shame on us! We let the “Boob Tube” people (who bring you reality TV, ‘The Simpsons’ and ‘Friends’, by the way) to make MONEY on our airwaves at the expense of who runs our society.

Banning “soft money,” (large donations that go to political parties) is a good first step, but ONLY a first step. It’s time for a next step that speaks to reducing the DEMAND for political money (eliminating PAY to PLAY). Free air time is the most cutting, deepest slashing, tangible (again we own the airwaves), practical and equitable way to get back to a more even playing field.

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