
Showing posts from 2004

Website Update!

I finally took the time to begin bringing my website in to the 21st century…and, if I can, drop it in to the same…hummm, how the hell am I going to do that? I think some of the info is the same but I did update thing as I saw fit and where my tastes changed. What it REALLY is better looking. I stole some code from a cool website and used everything (except colors and content of course). In looking for new content I discovered a website called ‘’ VERY COOL …I may YET leave America behind for a career as an anonymous jazz pianist in Paris or Geneva. You know looking back on this thing, it’s amazing how BIG a geek I really am…I mean really…who knew…

OK something for real then...Politics, Money and TV

In American democracy, speech is free but communicating is gonna cost ya! – especially if you’re trying to run for office. This is the #1 reason we have the “leaders” we have. As the cost of getting elected keeps up with the cost of gas, the candidates we end up with are the wealthy and well-financed and they don’t give voters a choice at all. The typical winner outspends the typical loser by nearly three to one during the campaign. 98.5 percent of all incumbents seeking reelection were successful (i.e.: If you can’t write a big check to your local television station to pay for a nightly salvo of punch-ads, you’ll still have your freedom of speech, you just won’t be heard or elected). Elections are supposed to be about when the “OUT’S” clash with the “IN’S” over bettering society, and letting US decide which is best, if either, allowing us to grow as a society. Elections should allow for disagreements to be aired, fresh starts to be kicked off, and/or the “devil we know” to be r...

Here we go...

All I wanted to do was respond to my friend Scott's first posting and here I am with my gad...