
A day of Thanksgiving and Praise.

Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on another. Yes, once again, I have neglected my blog all year only to remember that it exists when I remember its time for the re hack of my annual …. “What’s all this then about Thanksgiving” posting….. William Sydney “O. Henry” Porter, author of ”The Gift of The Magi” believed that, “There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one-day that is purely American.” Me and other amateur hacks and pundits, have always felt compelled to write FOR and ABOUT Thanksgiving, which I think, is kind of the testimony of its uniqueness, more than any other day, in the American psyche. A time when, timely as the autumn leaves, I easily can pull from the recesses of my mind, thoughts and remembrances and ponder Thanksgiving in my life. Year in and year out, I am moved by the sublime, prolific and axiomatic iconography of what it is to be an American in the Thanksgiving celebration. Whether for financial or atheistical reasons most of u...

Tick...tick...tick. The Government Shutdown LOOMS! SO SHUT IT DOWN!

I have been reading and ranting about this "Government Shutdown" all day (ya know cuz it's Friday and NAB is this weekend and I'm ALREADY in Vegas). I've been making this comment all day and the positve feed back It' NOT about money or jobs or abortion or budget. The REAL problem here, and the dangerous thing; the thing we should all be scared of is that We The People are missing the bigger picture in what they're talking about. This shut down is NOT about money or jobs or abortion or budget. That's all coded language. This fight is about POWER; who is gonna get it and what they're gonna do with it. The GOP has HAD IT and is tired of "science" and "technology" and "progress" and liberal way of thinking (e.g. that everybody is equal and there is room for compromise, etc) because in their greedy and twisted minds that train of thought ONLY works for the poor and down trodden and the old and those that c...

Thanksgiving? What’s all this then?

Yes, once again, I have neglected my blog all year only to remember that it exists when I remember its time for the re hack of my annual …. “What’s all this then about Thanksgiving” posting….. William Sydney “O. Henry” Porter, author of ”The Gift of The Magi” believed that, “There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one-day that is purely American.” Me and other amateur hacks and pundits, have always felt compelled to write FOR and ABOUT Thanksgiving, which I think, is kind of the testimony of its uniqueness, more than any other day, in the American psyche. A time when, timely as the autumn leaves, I easily can pull from the recesses of my mind, thoughts and remembrances and ponder Thanksgiving in my life. Year in and year out, I am moved by the sublime, prolific and axiomatic iconography of what it is to be an American in the Thanksgiving celebration. Whether for financial or atheistical reasons most of us trying to ignore the ‘crazed consumerism’, with its almost entirel...

What is it about Thanksgiving that just rings a bell?

It's so funny that I forget all about this thing until its Thanksgiving and then around the holidays and I always feel SO compelled to write. I have said it year after year and for me, there are few things that are so utterly expressive and filled with so many of the totems of what it is to be an American as there are in the Thanksgiving celebration. I mean really, Christmas is almost entirely man made and, at the least mistreated, but Thanksgiving ~ com'on!.... Thanksgiving is the antithesis of Christmas. It is in its original spirit and celebration, depending on what you believe, the act of rending thanks, or expressing gratitude for life, fate or God's or the grand wheel of life's favors and mercies. For all the inner gratitude we feel for our blessings and kindnesses received, the celebration of Thankfulness, the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the apotheosis of our following that impulse. Victor Hugo said, " To give thanks in solitu...

A uniquely American holiday!

Having been absent and not able to post as often as I like, I feel like the wayward child returing home for this Thanksgiving message. For me there are few things that are so utterly expressive and filled with so many of the totems of what it is the be an American as there are in the Thanksgiving celebration. To so many people, no matter where they are, Thanksgiving Day is a joyous family festival when we gather with friends and family and take a moment to just “BE” with in the love of those in our lives and those we too seldom. Thanksgiving's purpose has evolved countless times since the Pilgrims mythic celebration and other early harvest festivals, and yet no matter the evolving meanings or patriotic intentions or global-societal distractions or emphasis on football games or “the day-after” shopping stimuli, on Thanksgiving, we manage to continue to cull a singular, cohesive narrative that is forever emotionally electroplated to the holiday. One of its unassailable qualities; the...

There is a reason a horse has never been President.

There is a reason a horse has never been President. You can't run a country on horse sense. In keeping with the theme of this piece, I will try and keep this little rambling in quasi-regular guy American Speak, so that the hate mail that normally accompanies these postings can be focused on the true points and not the ones that those sub-geniuses invent in their Budweiser soaked brains. OK, so think back. Do you remember WAY BACK WHEN, when the Red Neck now squatting in the White House, first became a blip on the national radar? Remember when everyone in the known universe thought that George W. Bush might be too dumb to be The President of the United States? Wha Hapin!? Has that much time passed that the questions about Bush's intellectual aptitude faded into the recesses of our collective minds? Remember right after 9/11, when seemingly every man, woman and child in the nation, liek they all took some kind’a STUPID DRUG, actually thought that his intuitive rather than critica...